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Poster - Circle Dance

Ann Altman, SCW ©2001. Diverse kids joyously kicking up their heels.
Poster - Breathe Deeply

Poster - Breathe Deeply

Text reads: Breathe Deeply ~ Speak Gently ~ Walk Lightly ~ Love Much ~ Laugh Often ~ Give Freely ~ Be Kind

Poster - Red Dress Dancing

Red Dress Dancing New Size Lower Price! Anna Oneglia, mixed media. SCW©2001. Quote by Anne Lamott: "And she is going to dance, dance hungry, dance full, dance each cold astonishing...
Poster - Dancing With The Sun

Poster - Dancing With The Sun

Dancing With The Sun Mara Berendt Friedman, gouache & ink©1994 Mara is an Oregon artist, teacher and owner of New Moon Visions. Through her work honoring the feminine aspect of...

Poster - Dancers of the Third Age

Dancers Dennis Deloria/ Liz Lerman Dance Exchange An inspiring image that says "everyone can dance."