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Ten Commandments of Education Poster (High School)

Ten Commandments of Education Poster (High School)

Ten Commandments of Education will help teachers and students discuss what they can do to make themselves, their classroom and the world a more just and peaceful place. This poster...

Poster - How To Build Community

How To Build Community Text: Members SCW community. Karen Kerney, watercolor. SCW©1998. Spanish version available. Also available as a laminated poster. Turn off your TV * Leave your houseKnow your...
Accordion Poster - Greetings and Thanks to the Natural World Accordion Poster - Greetings and Thanks to the Natural World

Accordion Poster - Greetings and Thanks to the Natural World

Greetings And Thanks To The Natural World Accordion Poster In eleven hand-lettered and watercolor-illustrated panels, Greetings and Thanks honors the universal message of gratitude and thanksgiving. It is long and...
Poster - Early Warning Signs of Fascism Poster - Early Warning Signs of Fascism

Poster - Early Warning Signs of Fascism

Early Warning Signs Of Fascism Laurence W. Britt wrote about the common signs of fascism in April, 2003, after researching seven fascist regimes: Hitler's Nazi Germany; Mussolini's Italy; Franco's Spain;...
Ten Commandments of Education (Elementary Age) Poster

Ten Commandments of Education (Elementary Age) Poster

Ten Commandments of Education for Kids, is aimed at younger children, and will help teachers and students discuss what they can do to make themselves, their classroom and the world...
Accordion Poster - Welcome Accordion Poster - Welcome

Accordion Poster - Welcome

Welcome Accordion Poster SCW©2012 The "Welcome" Story Our small “Welcome” poster, introduced Spring, 2012, has proved so popular that we decided to enlarge it as a welcoming visual for our...
Poster - Never Doubt

Poster - Never Doubt

And a large thoughtful group can get even more done! Margaret Mead (December 16, 1901 – November 15, 1978) was an American cultural anthropologist, a pioneer of the feminist movement in America, an important popularizer...

Poster - Mary Oliver's Wild Geese

We're delighted to bring back this beautiful, earth-centered classic. Artwork by Bonnie Acker and the poem from Mary Oliver. Out of print since 2003, it offers a comforting balm to...
Poster - Blessing for Educators of Young Children

Poster - Blessing for Educators of Young Children

Text: Jack Manno © 2021, Art: Elise Sommers © 2023 A soulful and witty tribute to the remarkable, critical and undervalued work of early childhood educators. Drawn from Blessings for...

Poster - Make Art Not War

Make Art Not War Shepard Fairey©2005 Since 1989, Shepard has been "creating quality dissent" by haunting consumer culture with a street art campaign featuring an omnipresent Andre the Giant. This...

Poster - Same Struggle Different Difference

Same Struggle – Different Difference ©Dan Wilkins/ SCW©2014 "There is power in knowing my struggle is your struggle and yours mine." –Dan Wilkins
Poster - Climate Justice Now

Poster - Climate Justice Now

The record of the Biden/Harris administration on the climate crisis has been mixed. We certainly wish they had acted more boldly. But the November elections - Presidential, Congressional and state level...