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Bookmark - Growing Organic

Growing Organic Going organic takes patience, curiosity, open-mindedness and humility. Organic growing acknowledges a cooperation with nature and a collaboration with its intrinsic balance. When we commit to a non-aggressive...

Bookmark - Rosa Sat...

Rosa sat so that Martin could walk Martin walked so that Obama could run Obama ran so that all our children could fly - Kiari Day This simple slogan movingly...

Bookmark - Childhood Is A Journey

Childhood is a journey not a race Karen Kerney/SCW©2007 Running our schools like performance institutes is an outrage. Rather than instilling a love of learning we are alienating our children...

Bookmark - MLK - True Peace

True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it's the presence of justice. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Bookmark - MLK's Beloved Community

Martin Luther King's Beloved Community When Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke of “beloved community” he was describing the ultimate goal of non-violent activism for peace and justice — a global...

Bookmark - Como Fortalecer Su Comunidad

Text: Members SCW community. Translation: Colleen Kattau. In response to many customer requests. Text reads: Apague su televisor*Salga De Su Casa Conozca a sus vecinos Salude a la gente Mire...