Sku: P875CW

Dimensions: 12 in x 36 in

Art: Onondaga Gustoweh Josephine M. Cook, Onondaga, ©2013, watercolor & acrylic Text & sponsor: Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign www.honorthetworow.org Design: SCW©2013 2013 marked the 400th Anniversary of the Two Row Wampum Treaty between the Dutch and the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois). This treaty was a model for all Indigenous/Euro treaties that followed. The Gustoweh The distinctive feature of the men's Haudenosaunee dress is our headgear. The Gustoweh is a fitted hat made of strips of wood. The wood is then covered and adorned with eagle, hawk, pheasant, or turkey feathers. The Gustoweh is also used to identify an individual's nation. A man wearing his Gustoweh with one feather pointing upward and another pointing downwards, indicates he is Onondaga. A man who has one feather pointing skyward is identified as Seneca. Each nation has their own way of identifying each other by our Gustoweh. Source: http://www.onondaganation.org/culture/dress.html

Care for the Earth • Give thanks frequently
Respect and support Indigenous sovereignty
Remember that treaties are the Supreme Law of the United States (Article 6, US Constitution)
Demand that our nation honor its treaty commitments
Consider future generations in all your actions
Question and resist stereotypes including team names and mascots
Learn about and reject the “Doctrine of Discovery”
Reach out to your Indigenous neighbors
Slow down and listen more than you talk
Notice where you are
Live with gratitude • Live lightly on the Earth
Work to avert catastrophic changes in global climate systems
Support renewable energy
Stop hydrofracking, dirty coal and uranium mining
Don’t co-opt Native cultures or ceremonies
Return sacred objects
Support Indigenous women at the center of decision-making, leadership and care for the Earth
Read and promote the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day on the second Monday in October
Learn about the people indigenous to wherever you are
Read Native Authors
Support Native craftspeople, businesses and events
Actively support #LandBack
Remember that all elements of creation (animals, plants, air, waters and more) are your relatives, not your resources
Appreciate the diversity of nations, cultures and people