Fight Truth Decay

Fight Truth Decay

In the coming months and years we're going to need to maintain a sense of humor. And we need to strengthen the bonds of solidarity among larger numbers of people.

This new yard sign, hot off the presses in response to the election, was suggested by a longtime friend of SCW. Truth is absolutely under attack right now, and that's not going to stop any time soon. People are absolutely entitled to their own opinions, much as we may disagree with them. But when lies come to dominate public discourse, democracy is in deep trouble.

This slogan was originally developed by the Gray Panthers who launched a Fight Truth Decay Social Security Media Watch to honor the 76th anniversary of Social Security.

Yours in struggle,
Andy Mager, for SCW

PS: If you have suggestions for new products or images which are particularly timely, we'd welcome hearing from you. Send them here.

Buy the sign and related products.

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