Protect Trans People

Protect Trans People

The effort to sow fear and discord is well underway. The MAGA Shock and Awe campaign aims to distract, confuse and overwhelm us. Each of us must find ways to remain grounded and thoughtful as we plan and carry out our efforts to uphold our values.

Our transgender siblings were among those most heavily targeted during the Presidential campaign and now under the new regime. Trump's executive orders and other edicts will harm all transgender people, with the nearly 2,000 people currently being held in federal custody on the front lines. Trans people in the military and elsewhere in the federal workforce also face special threats. But the broader goal is to stigmatize, discriminate against and oppress all gender non-conforming peoople.

We need to do all we can to stop the imposition of these policies of hate at the federal level, but we have more power locally. Look for ways to act. It might be speaking up in a conversation where Trans people are being stigmatized, or misinformation is being spread.  Or it could be wearing our new Protect Trans People button, or putting the sticker on your water bottle. Solidarity is key. Raise your voice, use your power, act for human dignity and self-determination for all people.

A threat to one is a threat to all.

In Solidarity,

Andy Mager
SCW Coordinator

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