Thoughtful Reading for Long Winter Nights

Thoughtful Reading for Long Winter Nights

Reading enriches our lives in so many ways. It can help us learn and gather information at our own pace. It can open our minds and hearts to experiences far different from our own.


Syracuse Cultural Workers publishes very few books since there are many other companies producing great books. Instead we distribute books that we think are particularly important – that inform us, offer solace and inspire folks to take action to create a better world. And, at times like this, when other forms of media can overwhelm and depress us, reading is a great way to take back control of our information flow.


We hope you'll find some books here that will enhance your winter, and others which will make welcome gifts for people in your life. Below are three quite different books I wanted to feature, and you'll find dozens more on our website. We have a great selection of children's books too!


Blessings for Times Like These

Jack Manno

illustrations: Karen Kerney

Inspiring, humorous and practical – you can use these blessings in your own celebrations – birth, passing, honoring of a teacher, etc. Softcover, 5x7, 96pp., 2021.

Grounded in gratitude for the gifts of people and place, these blessings invite us to celebrate the moments, the passages and the relationships that make a life and a beloved community.”
- Robin Kimmerer, author, Braiding Sweetgrass.


A Land With a People:

Palestinians and Jews Confront Zionism

Editors: Esther Farmer, Rosalind Pollack Petchesky and Sarah Sills.

Stories, photographs and poetry elevate rarely heard Palestinian and Jewish voices, and visions for a more hopeful, loving future for Palestine/Israel. Softcover, 6x9, 184 pp., 2021.


To Become a Human Being

The Message of Tadodaho Chief Leon Shenandoah

as told to Steve Wall

Wisdom shared by Tadodaho Leon Shenandoah (Onondaga Eel clan), who served as the coordinating chief among the Haudenosaunee Confederacy from 1968 to 1996. A revered spiritual leader, Leon was known for his humility and kind leadership. Using tapes of conversations made over a thirteen-year period, documentary photographer Steve Wall recreates Chief Shenandoah’s message in a unique free-flowing voice. Softcover, 7x10, 112 pp., 2002.


In Peace,


Andy Mager
SCW Coordinator


PS: Blessings for Times Like These, written by SCW co-founder Jack Manno, is one of the rare books that we have published ourselves. Editing it and preparing it for publication was one of the last major projects of Dik Cool before he became too ill to work.

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