Classroom Posters for Critical Thinking
There has always been a degree of controversy about what is taught in classrooms. Nearly 100 years ago, John Thomas Scopes, a young high school science teacher, was prosecuted for teaching evolution in Tennessee schools.
Today, Christian nationalists are close to forcing schools to post the Ten Commandments in classrooms, banning books and threatening teachers who seek to share progressive viewpoints and critical thinking strategies in their classrooms.
In that environment, SCW's educational posters can play a valuable role in supporting teachers, students and communities seeking to embrace diversity, multiculturalism and social justice. If you're a teacher, check out our products for your classroom. If you're a concerned person, consider purchasing items to donate to your local schools, community centers, faith communities or elsewhere.
Listening to people talk about the upcoming election reminds one of the lack of analytical skills being learned in so many of our educational institutions.
In solidarity,
Andy Mager
for Syracuse Cultural Workers