Julie Merberg, art: Michéle Brummer Everett As soon as girls are big enough to flip through a board book, they can understand the concept that girls are equal to boys....
Every Girl Every Boy
Art:Laura Newburn
Text: J.T Bunnell and Irit Reinheimer; based on a poem by Nancy R. Smith.
Expand the conversation around gender!
My First Book of Feminism - For Boys Julie Merberg art: Michéle Brummer Everett Challenges stereotypes with rhymes and drawings that address grown-up issues like equal pay. Shows that boys...
Cada Nina Cada Nino Text: J.T Bunnell and Irit Reinheimer, based on a poem by Nancy R. Smith; translation Roxanna Pastor Fasquelle. The positive customer response to the English version...
Art: Laura Newburn Text: J.T Bunnell and Irit Reinheimer; based on a poem by Nancy R. Smith ; translation Roxanna Pastor Fasquelle. The positive customer response to the English version...