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Erica Fielder, pastel over gouache. SCW ©2000.
The monarch has become a symbol in the ongoing, critical struggle to stop genetically engineered (GE) foods. On May 20, 1999, Cornell University scientists announced that GE corn kills monarch larvae. This tragedy is a small portent of the catastrophic potential of GE crops and foods on the worlds' food systems. GE foods are banned or restricted, for good reasons, in Canada, Europe, Japan and India. In the words of a French farmer, "It is time that Americans wake up to the crisis."
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"May all beings be happy / May all beings be peaceful / may all beings be free"
Quotation excerpted from Loving Kindness Meditation (Theravada Buddhism).
Erica Fielder's work reflects a lifelong concern with how humans fit into the natural world in a harmonious way. This luminous mixed media painting of monarch butterfly wings expresses the beauty, fragility and tenacity of the life force shared among all living things.