Art by Naima Penniman Soul Fire Farm carries on the legacy of their ancestral grandmothers, who braided seeds in their hair before boarding transatlantic slave ships, believing against odds in...
Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm's Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land By Leah Penniman, Foreword by Karen Washington Mixing agricultural knowledge, social and political analysis, recipes, spirituality and...
Green Our Communities Digital Offset, 18 x 24”, 2009 Favianna Rodriguez. This poster was part of a series of images that educated youth of color about local food production and...
Soul Fire Farm, near Albany, NY, builds on the powerful legacy of Black resistance, working to uproot racism and preserve seed sovereignty in the food system. Their farming, healing, teaching...
Growing Organic Going organic takes patience, curiosity, open-mindedness and humility. Organic growing acknowledges a cooperation with nature and a collaboration with its intrinsic balance. When we commit to a non-aggressive...